Resist the Devil and Rejoice in the Lord

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

Resist the Devil and Rejoice in the Lord

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Philippians 4:4(NLT)

Depression is defined in part as “a hollow; being in a low state; a state of sadness; dejection.” The real cause of depression is not where we are, but our attitude about where we find ourselves. That’s why the devil wants to make you feel like you’re worthless and rejected.

But if you don’t let the devil impress you with what he does, then he can’t oppress you; and if he can’t oppress you, then he can’t depress you.

I think one of the best ways to resist the devil and achieve victory over depression is to let the Holy Spirit lead you into a time of rejoicing. The enemy wants you to look at the negative and have a pity party, but the Holy Spirit wants you to look at the positive and just have a party!

Philippians 4:4 says to “rejoice in the Lord always.” When we’re focused on God, rejoicing in Him, depression has no place in us. So the next time the enemy tries to make you feel low or sad, choose to rejoice in the Lord!

Prayer Starter: God, You are wonderful and amazing, which is why I can rejoice in You always. Depression has no place in my life because I am filled with You!

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