Let the Holy Spirit Take You from ‘Doing’ to ‘Being’

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

Let the Holy Spirit Take You from ‘Doing’ to ‘Being’

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8(NLT)

I remember when I was a born-again Christian who was actively involved in church life, but I was not getting victory over my problems. I thought that if I acted like a Christian and looked like I had my act together, I would be happy. But doing the right thing wasn’t enough. I needed a change on the inside.

Acts 1:8 speaks of receiving God’s power to be His witnesses. Notice it does not say to do witnessing but to be witnesses. Doing is a different thing than being. I had my outside polished up, but my inner life was a wreck. Quite often the inner turmoil exploded, and then everybody could see I wasn’t quite what I appeared to be.

Thankfully, I came to the point where I was desperate for a move of God in my life and knew there had to be more than what I had experienced in my relationship with Him. As I cried out to Him in prayer for help, He touched my life in a powerful way, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit gave me a real love for God and His Word and like never before. Now I was no longer faking it.
I encourage you to receive this same Holy Spirit power. Let Him take you from ‘doing’ to ‘being.’.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, give me Your power so that I can go from ‘doing’ to ‘being.’. I want to love and follow You from the core of who I am.

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