Becoming One Means Enjoying Each Other

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Becoming One Means Enjoying Each Other

By observing your pure and reverent lives. 1 Peter 3:2(NLT)

You can have such fun in your marriage when you begin to enjoy each other. Do you know that God did not put you together to be miserable? He didn’t put you together to fight, pick on each other or try and change each other.

The Bible says specifically that a woman is to enjoy her husband, but I believe this scripture applies to both sides of a marriage. However, I rarely hear a woman say, “You know what? I really enjoy my husband,” or hear a man say, ‘I’m enjoying my wife.’

But in marriage, God wants us to enjoy each other. He wants you and your spouse to laugh and have fun together. I realize it’s not always easy. Marriage definitely has its challenges, but despite your differences, ask God to show you wonderful things about your spouse. Ask Him to help you see your spouse the way He does, because He loves them and died for them just like He did for you.

When you have God’s perspective of each other, joy will just naturally fill your heart, and you’ll be able to enjoy your spouse.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to enjoy my spouse. Even when marriage is difficult, help me to find joy and have fun with them by seeing them the way You do.

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