Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)
You’re No Surprise to God
Before you were born I set you apart
and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5(NLT)
Do you ever feel like God is disappointed with you? I used to feel this way until one day He said, “You know, Joyce, you’re no surprise to Me. I knew what I was getting when I got you.”
Think about it! God knows the end from the beginning, and all the days of our life are written in His book. Every decision we’re ever going to make, good or bad, God already knew them before we ever showed up on planet earth. He already knows today every word in our mouth that is still unuttered, even what we’re going to say a year from now.
Sometimes we go around thinking that God is so disappointed with us all the time. It’s true that we make mistakes. And we’re not supposed to be lighthearted about them, we need to take them seriously. But in spite of our mistakes, God has hope for us and knows that He can change us if we’ll stay close to Him.
God’s not disappointed. He’s full of hope where we’re concerned! He believes in us more than we do ourselves.
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