God Can Use Your Greatest Trials for Good

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God Can Use Your Greatest Trials for Good

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20(NLT)

God spoke this to my heart awhile ago: “Joyce, you see to the end of your nose (which isn’t very far), and you assume that anything that doesn’t feel good isn’t good. But I see from beginning to end because I am The Beginning and The End, and I know many things you don’t know.”

We know in part, but God knows all.

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph is speaking to his brothers, who had severely mistreated him. When they threw him into a pit and sold him into slavery, they thought they were working against him, but really, God had a plan to use those trials to promote Joseph to a place of great influence.

Sometimes the very things we think are awful turn out to be a great blessing. The greatest trial can develop in you the greatest faith. You might be at the bottom of a pit, but God has a plan to use that pit to promote you in His call on your life. Remember, God can see all, and He will use those trials for your good.

Prayer Starter: God, I can’t see ‘past my nose,’ but I trust You because I know that You see all. I believe that You can take my trials and bring good out of them.

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