The Greatest Gift You Can Give

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

The Greatest Gift You Can Give

You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate. Luke 6:36(NLT)

It’s the most outrageous thing. The more I think about it, the more amazed I am. It gives blessings that are undeserved and withholds punishment when it is deserved. It’s absolutely the greatest gift you can give someone.

This gift is called mercy. See, Jesus came to earth and gave us mercy, so we need to learn to give mercy to others.

By Christ’s example, we’re taught to love and pray for our enemies. We’re taught to be friendly to those who do not treat us as we would like to be treated. We are told to give to and care for the poor and helpless who will never be able to pay us back.

We can give to people who will give us gifts in return. But we’re more blessed when we choose to give to those who cannot pay us back, that’s giving mercy.

The greatest gift you can give God is to become more like Jesus. You can do that by treating others the way He treated you. Give those around you the greatest gift they could ever receive from you: mercy.

Prayer Starter: God, I thank You for the mercy that You selflessly give me every day. I choose now to give that mercy to others. Every chance I get, I will show them the mercy that You have shown me.

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