Pursuing the Right Kind of Knowledge

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Pursuing the Right Kind of Knowledge

For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2(NLT)

Many Christians suffer because they’re too busy seeking carnal knowledge instead of the Word of God. The Lord Himself said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6 AMP).

Paul was an educated man, with a wealth of carnal knowledge. He thought himself better than others and even sought to kill Christians. Thankfully, God had other plans for him and revealed Himself to Paul in a way that changed his life forever.

When Paul realized that seeking carnal knowledge didn’t compare to the importance of spiritual knowledge, he decided to only pursue that instead.

Like Paul, we need to realize the importance of learning spiritual things. Instead of seeking worldly things and filling our heads with things that don’t matter, we need to dig in and fill our minds with God’s Word.

I can tell you from experience that knowing God’s Word will change your life. It turned Paul into one of the greatest Christians who ever lived, and it can transform you and lead you into your amazing destiny in Christ.

I encourage you today to seek out the spiritual knowledge found in God’s Word. Let it fill you up and take you over!

Prayer Starter: Lord, I don’t want to waste my time with carnal knowledge that doesn’t matter. Like Paul, help me to only pursue the spiritual knowledge found in knowing You and knowing Your Word.

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