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A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13(NLT)

Everyone knows how to smile. It’s one of the greatest gifts God has given us. A smile makes people feel good, and people look so beautiful when they smile. When the joy in your life is obvious, it rubs off on others. But when you keep God’s joy locked inside you and don’t allow it to show on your face, you’re depriving those around you of a pleasant and refreshing experience.

Most people really don’t understand how expressing joy will change their circumstances and, perhaps, the lives of others. Living your life with the joy of the Lord will chase off negative, depressing circumstances. And when we have His joy deep down inside of us, we can’t help but put it on display by smiling!

I never would have thought that smiling was such a serious matter, but God has shown me how revolutionary a simple smile can be. Expressing joy through the calm delight of smiling brings good things into your own life and shares the joy and light of the Lord with others, so smile!

Prayer Starter: Lord, remind me to smile daily! You’ve given me great joy, and I want to display it and brighten the lives of others!

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