Are You Seeking the Right Stuff?

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Are You Seeking the Right Stuff?

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17(NLT)

Romans 14:17 defines the kingdom of God as a life of goodness, and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

We are to seek His kingdom, but a lot of people spend their life seeking all kinds of other stuff. When it comes to righteousness, peace and joy, they don’t have any because they’re chasing after other things.

I used to think that if I had all kinds of worldly stuff, I’d have no worries and my life would be peaceful, but no matter how much stuff I gained, it never really brought peace. True peace comes from being one with God.

It’s important for us to understand this because I think a large majority of Christians spend their whole life searching for the wrong things, when our real treasure is in Jesus.

So what are you seeking today? What’s your treasure? Worldly things will ultimately leave you unsatisfied, but if you seek God and His righteousness, peace and joy, you can experience the completely satisfying and fulfilling life God wants you to have. Go after Him today.

Prayer Starter: God, I decide today to stop pursuing worldly things that will not satisfy. I want to be one with You, so I seek Your righteousness, peace and joy.

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