Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)
Getting What You Don’t Deserve
too many to count!
My sins pile up so high
I can’t see my way out.
They outnumber the hairs on my head.
I have lost all courage. Psalms 40:12(NLT)
The vast majority of people allow God to help them only when they think they deserve it. At one time in my life I was that way. For years I allowed God to help me only when I thought I had earned it, when I thought I had done enough good deeds to deserve His help.
That kind of thinking doesn’t produce an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving. If we think we deserve what we receive, then it is no longer a gift but a reward or “payment for services rendered.” The difference between receiving what we do not deserve and receiving what we do deserve is the difference between grace and works.
I encourage you to open your heart and allow God’s grace to come into your life to help you in your everyday walk. Always remember that when you feel frustrated, it is because you are living by your own effort and need to get back into God’s grace by allowing Him to work through you.
Learn to let God do you a favor. Give up trying to deserve God’s help, and let Him supply your every need.
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