Real Love – the Energy of Life!

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

Real Love – the Energy of Life!

For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring. Acts 17:28(NLT)

Love is the energy of life. It’s what motivates people to get up each day and keep going. It gives life purpose and meaning.

People often have times in their lives when they believe they are unloved or have no one to love. They develop this mindset because they are looking for fulfillment in ways that seem good at first but often leave them feeling frustrated, disappointed and empty inside.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever look for love and end up feeling unfulfilled? Let me ask you this: What kind of love are you pursuing?

You may be looking for love, but really, you’re looking for God, because He is love. Any love you gain that is disconnected from God is not really love and will leave you feeling unfulfilled.

The Bible says that in Him we live, move, and have our being. That tells me that without Him, life is not complete.

Everyone is looking for love, but are you looking for God’s love? It’s the only love that matters, the only love that lasts, and the only love that fulfills.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I don’t want to spend my life unfulfilled, pursuing love that’s not from You. If it’s not found in You, it’s not real love, because You are love. Today, I find my love in You.

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