Learn to Trust God’s Plan for You

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

Learn to Trust God’s Plan for You

Commit everything you do to theĀ Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5(NLT)

You can simplify your life by learning to develop trust in God. Far too often, we don’t allow ourselves to trust. Maybe your trust has been betrayed too many times in the past, or maybe you’re just a very independent person. Even so, it’s so critical to learn to trust God.

It’s easy to get stressed out and run-down trying to make your life work on your own, but that never works. And God’s plan is always better than your own. The person who trusts God knows that His way is best.

Now trust won’t just magically happen. Trust grows as we take steps of faith and experience God’s faithfulness. You have to tell your doubt, your fear, your insecurity, or maybe even your fierce independence to make way for a life of trusting in God. When you do that, you won’t have to struggle so much to make your life work.

Trusting God brings a supernatural rest to our souls, allowing us to live simply and freely, the way He wants us to live. So even when it doesn’t make sense, trust Him, and experience His freedom and rest.

Prayer Starter: God, Your ways are better than mine and I know that trusting in my own strength will get me nowhere. I place my trust in You. Even when it doesn’t make sense to me, I choose to trust You, knowing You will make Your plans come to pass.

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