Experiencing God’s Peace By Living in the Now

Christian Applications Store:: Christian devotional App Store; Joyce Meyer Books(Amazon)

Experiencing God’s Peace By Living in the Now

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33(NLT)

Having an attitude of peace and calm is priceless. It’s an attitude that says, ‘I’m trusting God,’ and it speaks powerfully to people. But it takes time, focus, and the grace of God to be consistently peaceful.

Too often our stress level is tied up in our circumstances. You could be stressed because you’re always busy or you’re struggling financially or because you’re not getting along with someone you love.

To conquer the stress in our lives, we need to learn to practice the peace that’s been provided for us by the overcoming power of Jesus.

One way to develop consistent peace is to learn to live ‘in the now.’ We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past or wondering what the future holds, but we can’t accomplish anything unless our mind is focused on today.

The Bible tells us that God gives us grace for each day that we live. I believe God’s grace is the power that enables and energizes us to do what we need to do – and He gives it generously, as we need it.

Every day we need to say, ‘God has given me today. I will rejoice and be glad in it.’

If you can learn to trust God ‘in the now,’ receiving His grace as you need it, you can become a truly peaceful person – and that’s powerful.

Prayer Starter: God, I know that You have overcome any and every obstacle, so I ask You to help me live in the peace that You’ve provided for me. Show me how to trust You as I live ‘in the now.’

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