Find the Power to Overcome the Temptations You Face

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Find the Power to Overcome the Temptations You Face

Teachings about Forgiveness and Faith
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!” Luke 17:1(NLT)

Temptation, or giving in to temptation, has been a serious problem since the beginning of time and is still a very real part of our lives today. Like it or not, we all have to deal with it. In Luke 17:1, Jesus said, ‘Temptations (snares, traps set to entice to sin) are sure to come.’

But why do we have to deal with temptation? Because it strengthens our faith, or our spiritual muscles. If we didn’t have to stand against temptation, we’d never know our own spiritual strength. To develop spiritual strength, we must pass all kinds of tests of temptations both large and small.

In Luke 4, we find that Satan tempted Jesus, hoping to find an area of weakness to invade. But Jesus stood strong and defeated the enemy. I encourage you to do what Jesus did when He was tempted. He went straight to God’s Word. I believe God knew ahead of time that Jesus would pass the test, and I believe He has confidence in us, knowing if we follow the example of Jesus, we’ll overcome temptation and pass many of our tests too.

Prayer Starter: God, thank You for helping me understand how to develop the strength I need to resist the temptations of the enemy. When temptation comes, I will go straight to Your Word and resist it with Your truth.

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